How we help

If you are reading this, something must be troubling you: and, that “something” must be troubling you enough that you have taken the time out to research, to look around this site, into whatever might be giving you cause for concern or peak in curiosity.

You may have never required the services of a lawyer before. You might not really know what a solicitor does. You might be thinking of buying a new house for the first time or selling your current one. You may have been in a car accident, as a driver, pedestrian or motorcyclist, and not sure whether you were at fault. You might be unsure whether you actually have a claim. You might have recently been fired. You might not know exactly what your legal rights are. Someone close to you might have passed away and left you something in their will. The whole thing might have made you think it was the right time for you to make sure you had a will in place and all.

Whatever your concern or query, Boeing & Wise is best placed to help. We have expertise in the more well-known areas of law: namely, personal injury, wills & probate, conveyancing and family and we can offer advice and legal service with regards more specialist areas such as employment, consumer, insurance, immigration, road traffic offences, media & sports law.

To start, you can contact us in person at our offices, over the phone on 0161 464 6000 or via email at [email protected]. We have a team of expert legal advisers ready and waiting to take your call. We offer a initial 30 minute consultation for all our prospective clients, which we find better allows you to get to know us and the other way around.

If appropriate, during this consultation, your expert legal adviser may be able to explain the reasons to you as to whether or not we can take your case or matter forward. If we can, your case will be referred to the relevant Head of Department best placed to help.

From there, we operate a policy of complete transparency which means that all the different options available to you will be properly and clearly explained, along with any likely procedures, timelines or costs involved in taking one course of action over another. What this means is that we arm our clients with what they need in order to make the informed decisions that affect them.

Still unsure? Contact us today to arrange an consultation and see how we can help. We look forward to your call.


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Contact our offices today. We’re ready. Are you?

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